Renowned actor Han Suk Kyu and rising star Bae Hyeon Seong are currently reviewing offers to star in the highly anticipated comedy drama The Boss Shin Project (working title).
The story follows Shin, a fried chicken restaurant owner in a quiet neighborhood who harbors a mysterious secret. Unable to ignore the struggles of those around him, Shin becomes a mediator, resolving local conflicts and helping people in seemingly hopeless situations. Han Suk Kyu is being considered for the titular role, while Bae Hyeon Seong may join as a humorously rigid intern at the restaurant.
Directed by Shin Kyung Soo (Tree With Deep Roots, Six Flying Dragons) and written by Ban Ki Ri (Missing: The Other Side), the drama promises a compelling mix of comedy, mystery, and heartfelt storytelling. If confirmed, this project will mark a reunion for Han Suk Kyu and director Shin Kyung Soo, who have previously worked together on Tree With Deep Roots and Secret Door.
Stay tuned for updates on casting and further developments for The Boss Shin Project!